Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Humble Bumble

Meet the Bumblebee:


Bumblebees are often confused with Carpenter Bees:

Notice the differences!

What exactly does a Bumblebee do?
 Well, like the Honeybee, Bumblebees are pollinators. A pollinator is a creature that carries pollen from one flower stigma to another. Pollinating flowers, fruits, vegetables, and trees are the primary function of Bumblebees.

 Interesting Fact: Bumblebees are used for a practice called buzz pollination. This is because the frequency of their buzz can actually cause plants to emit pollen! Crazy, huh? (They are used in tomato greenhouses- wild!)

Where do Bumblebees live?
Bumblebees can live in tunnels (similar to Yellow Jackets ) or in the abandoned nests of other animals such as mice. Bumblebee nests are rather small, with a large nest housing around 50 bees.
        It really does look like a nest!

Do Bumblebees sting?
Yes. And No.  Bumblebees do have stingers, and like Wasps, have the ability to sting multiple times. Will they sting you? Probably not. You are more likely to "buzzed" as Bumblebees would much prefer to bully and intimidate you, than sting you. They are much more passive than aggressive. However, I was stung by a Bumblebee at camp once (in my finger) and it hurt like the dickens! As with any stinging creature, practice common sense, people!

Interesting Fact: The buzzing sounds that bees make aren't actually made by the beating of their wings, but by their flight muscles.....

Flight of the Bumblebee
According to myth, Bumblebees should not be able to fly. This would be true if you were soley to apply the Law of Aerodynamics. However, it turns out that Bumblebees actually fly more similarly to a helicopter!

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