Wednesday, April 7, 2010

A funny thing happened on the way to the hardware store....

So, last Friday I was on my home from visiting with my grandparents when I  decided to swing by the Lowe's at Edgwood and pick up a ceiling fan for our overly-hot kitchen.
I was not even five minutes away when J called to tell me that she was standing outside of Target and that there was a swarm of bees right in front. And yes, everyone was freaking out.
I tried to call the Atlant Bee Rescue group, but they are apparently defunct- which is a shame.

It was up to me.

I told the grounds keeper and the manager of Target that I'd be back in half an hour. I went to Lowe's and instead of buying the much needed ceiling fan, I purchased the ever-handy 5 gallon bucket instead. I went home, changed out of my skirt and pumps and into my jeans. Grabbed my smoker and hedge clippers and was on my way to BeeTown.

The photos following depict me catching a swarm of bees. Please do not try this if you've never had any experience with bees. Also, in the state of Georgia it is illegal to kill honeybees, so if you have a swarm your best bet is to call the Metro Atlanta Beekeeping Association. Their number is: 678.653.7507. Do not try this at home, folks.

The photos pretty much describe what happened next:
This is what a swarm of bees looks like.

This is me smoking them to keep them calm.

This was a pretty substantial colony. Easily 30,000 bees.

Kelvin, Julia and I all worked together to get these babies in the bucket.
(yes, my underwear is hanging out of my pants, I know, I know)

All we had to do is trim the branch and put on the lid!

I only squished 3!

I wish I could say that the bees are happy in their new home in my backyard, but alas, I cannot.
They overheated in the bucket on the car ride home and by the end of it they were all goners.
I was devastated.

Bees are fragile, delicate creatures, people. The 15 minute car ride home proved to much. I am trying to take this loss as a  learning experience, but it is difficult to do. I gave no consideration to ventilation and that thoughtless error cost the entire colony their lives- I have no one to blame but myself. And that SUCKS. As of yet, I have not been able to find a bucket with screened lid, so perhaps I will have to make one myself... for the next time!

1 comment:

  1. nice man it should not be too hard to make a 5gal with a screen top
